Tuesday 18 December 2012

Going into a new year!

So after a long period of time and without a post since I shot W.A.S.P at the Leeds O2 Academy, I thought I had better update my blog and let you guys know (well those that are interested in knowing) what I've been up to in the past few months!

Firstly I got an email confirmation saying I had an AAA pass for the Human League's XXXV tour... which is always a good email to get in these harsh winters. I wanted to shoot one of the show's so I went to a few of the shows before I shot the show in Sheffield to get to see what the lights were like and get prepared. I travlled up to Nottingham to see them at the royal concert hall and then the next day I travlled up to Halifax to see them at the Halifax theater which, if I don't say so myself, was a LOT better than Nottingham. The crowd was more livey and the band were in full swing.

It came to the night of the Sheffield show and I was all prepared to shoot! There was no one else in the pit apart from a friend of the bands keyboard player, Neil, who was a photographer called Tracey Welch. No paper or website had commision for the show which was a nice feeling and I could shoot the entire show from where I wanted plus have the usual 3 songs from the pit. Another success that came from having no other photographers there was that if anyone needed any photos they had to come to me for them... I was in luck! The lighting and set design company wanted a photo of the set being used in action and I made a sale.

Next up for me was shooting a much loved band of mine... the mighty Thin Lizzy who I had previously missed out on earlier this year when they played the city hall in Sheffield. This time I was at the Leeds O2 again and after shooting W.A.S.P there a few months back knew how difficult it was. The pit is about 3 feet wide and the stage is quite tall for an O2 academy so I was litrally shooring up Scotty's nose! I got 3 songs from the pit and then was told I could shoot the rest of the shot from anywhere else. It was a good job as well as the lighting for the first 3 songs were shocking! The first song 'Are you ready' I wouldn't say was a song as it doesn't last that long then the band kicked into the Lizzy classic 'Jailbreak' to which the crowd jumped up and down in time clapping (I missed some wothwhile shots there).

All in all this year has gone well for me and I hope that my exams in the coming year don't stand in the way too much so I can still shoot some awesome stuff! I'm hoping to get on the NME tour photo list :-P Let's hope I do.

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